Friday, November 6, 2009

A Tribute on Orphan Sunday

The Christian Alliance for Orphans has designated this coming Sunday, November 8th, "Orphan Sunday." Many different churches will be marking this occasion with sermons, videos, testimonies, songs, etc. You can see some of the goings-on at the Orphan Sunday website. I was a little late hearing about that this year and we had other things planned at church, but we'll mark the occasion next year, d.v.

In it's stead, I thought I'd share a tribute to my friends, Lee and Anna Dyck. Here is a portion of their adoption story.

Three years ago my wife and I were challenged with the need to pursue adopting a baby with Down syndrome when we discovered, among other things, that the termination rate for mothers who test positive for having a baby with Down syndrome is between 80 and 90%. This past December the Lord answered our prayers with a beautiful baby girl named Emma, pictured here with her equally beautiful mommy.
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction." - James 1:27

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